AdaHost Logo

Next-Generation Hardware

Rent Dedicated Servers

Next-generation hardware and high-performance dedicated servers at unbeatable prices!

Free Support

Instant access within seconds

Advanced Control Panel

User-friendly and accessible interface

High-speed Internet Connection

Don't get limited with 1 Gbps speed

High Uptime

99.9% Uptime guarantee

s12 image
AMD Logo
Intel Logo
  • AX-26

    AMD Ryzen 7 5700X
    8C/16T - 3.4 GHz/4.6 GHz
    64 GB
    DDR4 RAM
    1 TB
    NVMe SSD
    1 Gbps
  • AX-39

    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
    12C/24T - 3.7 GHz/4.8 GHz
    64 GB (Max. 128 GB)
    DDR4 RAM
    1 TB
    NVMe SSD
    1 Gbps
  • AX-45

    AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
    16C/32T - 3.4 GHz/4.9 GHz
    64 GB (Max. 128 GB)
    DDR4 RAM
    1 TB
    NVMe SSD
    1 Gbps
  • AX-52

    AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
    12C/24T - 4.7 GHz/5.6 GHz
    64 GB (Max. 128 GB)
    DDR5 RAM
    1 TB
    NVMe SSD
    1 Gbps
  • AX-54

    AMD Ryzen 9 9900X
    12C/24T - 4.4 GHz/5.6 GHz
    64 GB (Max. 128 GB)
    DDR5 RAM
    1 TB
    NVMe SSD
    1 Gbps
  • AX-63

    AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
    16C/32T - 4.5 GHz/5.7 GHz
    64 GB (Max. 128 GB)
    DDR5 RAM
    1 TB
    NVMe SSD
    1 Gbps
  • AX-66

    AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
    16C/32T - 4.3 GHz/5.7 GHz
    64 GB (Max. 128 GB)
    DDR5 RAM
    1 TB
    NVMe SSD
    1 Gbps
  • AX-63-3D

    AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
    16C/32T - 4.2 GHz/5.7 GHz
    192 GB
    DDR5 RAM
    2 TB
    NVMe SSD
    10 Gbps

High-Quality Servers and Hardware

In some cases it may be necessary to restart a server. The servers in our Premium Dedicated Server series have a permanent IPMI KVM-over-IP management console. These enable you to restart using our server management using the IPMI API and provide numerous useful status information about the server directly in the server management. The server's console can also be permanently accessed, regardless of the operating system.

Gigabyte Logo

Excellent Data Center and Network Infrastructure

All our servers are housed in our dedicated cabinet, equipment, and network infrastructure at Istanbul Datacasa data center. The power supply to the data center is separate from the city grid and is delivered through underground cables. The power supply to the data center is configured to be provided via UPS. In case of power outages, the current generator system can provide power for up to 8 hours.

Dell Servers Image

The Best of All Time

Samsung NVMe SSD Infrastructure

Samsung NVMe SSD disks have 35 times faster read/write speeds and IOPS values compared to Hard Disk Drives (HDDs). With Samsung NVMe SSD disks, your server always operates at the speed of light.

samsung nvme ssd

Your Data is Always Secure

Next-Generation Data Protection

With Veeam Backup, all your data is securely stored on our external backup servers on a daily basis. You can request free backups taken within the last 7 days at any time through our support ticket system.

veeam backup

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need detailed information about our servers?

What is a dedicated server?

When will my dedicated server be activated?

Is there free backup on dedicated servers?

Is there DDoS protection on dedicated servers?

What is the network capacity of my dedicated server?

We're here to help!

We're ready to assist you through live chat or support tickets. We're eager to answer your questions and provide assistance!